How to Import Addresses to Create or Update Objects

This guide will walk you through the process of importing addresses into your system to either create new objects or update existing ones.

Applies to

Operator Open Access

Operator Single Provider

Step by step instructions

Step-by-step guide to Imports


Addresses are imported into COS BE using an Excel or .csv file.

To Create New Addresses/Objects

Download the Object import template from the import page. Fill in the required information in the file, upload it, correct any errors or warnings, and complete the import.
For more detailed instructions, see the Step-by-step guide.

To Update Existing Objects

  1. Export the Objects that you want to update:
    Go to the Object list  > Checkmark the objects > Bulk actions > Export > Purpose Import
  2. Make your changes in the exported file.
  3. Create a new object import and upload the updated file:
    Settings menu > Data > Import > New.

Note: To update existing objects, all fields must be included in the import file, including the Object ID, to avoid creating duplicates. Any orders associated with the objects will not be affected.