How to search in Business Engine - an overview


Users will be able to use our newly updated search functions to easily and quickly find information on all their customers and associated data.

Solution Overview

Upon logging into Business Engine users will be able to access the search bar to find any information associated with Orders, Customers and Addresses (Objects) in an efficient manner. 


The search bar can be easily found above the Dashboard when a user has logged into Business Engine.


Users can create a detailed search based on a Customer's name, address, or ID number. They can also input a single letter or number and see any and all Customers or Objects that fit that criteria.

You can also navigate through the menu to access specific lists, such as orders, customers, or items. When searching from these pages, you can perform either a filtered or a general search.

General or Filtered search

A filtered search means that you type the keywords in the search fields to identify the information you need. Only results that match the specified search terms will be presented in the result list.

A general search means that you just press the search button (without specifying keywords) which lists all possible matches in the result list. You can choose to display 5, 25, or 100 results on each page.

Tip: Use wildcards in your search to achieve more accurate results.

Search by using wildcards

It is possible to use wildcards in all search fields. This is primarily used to help in cases where not all information is known, for example, if only parts of a customer name are known.

The character used as a wildcard is * (asterisk). Wildcards can both initiate and terminate the search. See the following example of keywords to search for the customer Adam.

  • Ad* in the first name field lists all names that begin with the letters Ad, e.g., Adrian and Adam.
  • *da* list all the first names that contain the letters entered, e.g.  Adam, David and Frida.