Surveys in COS Business Engine are a valuable tool for gathering feedback from potential customers or collecting market demand data. By reviewing survey results, network operators can assess customer interest, plan network expansion, and tailor service offerings based on user input. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to review survey results in COS Business Engine.
Solution Overview
To begin the process of reviewing Survey results, navigate to the "Prospects" option under the Planning menu.
Once you have navigated to the Prospects menu, you will find a list of Surveys you can search for and filter based on Customer Name, Address, Object ID and more. Select any Survey you wish to review in order to proceed.
Once a Survey has been selected, users will see the "Base Information" page which will provide important information about the Customer or Prospect who completed the Survey.
Scrolling down will bring users to the "Answers" section where you will be able to see the question and the answer given by the customer for each Survey.
For a more detailed look at reviewing Surveys in Business Engine, please see the link below.
Step-by-Step Instructions
How to Review Survey Results