This article describes how to import ONTs that are not yet associated with an object, which means that they are not yet installed on a customer premises.
Applies to: Network Operators
Solution Overview
All data imports from file are handled in the Import section.
In the Settings menu, go to Data and then click Import.
Click the Add icon (+) at the top and select what import you want to make.
Download an import template, fill it out, and upload the file. Click Save at the top.
The file is now going through a validation step. If there are warnings or errors, a banner is shown and a description is shown in the table at the bottom of the page. The warnings or errors are specified in the file called Verified file. Errors must be corrected (a new file must be uploaded), and warnings should be considered before importing the file. For each import made to the system, you can track all steps in the table below.
Once the verification is passed, the import is started by clicking Start Import under the Actions menu.
Step by step instructions