How to add a Service to the Marketplace as a Service Provider

As a Service Provider, you can add a Service based on the Service Types that the Network Operator has defined.

Last updated: 2024-05-02

Applies to

Service Provider


The Network Operator defines what Services that Service Providers can sell in the network. Based on the rules in these definitions, a Service Provider can create services and their prices to offer the Customer.

Step by step instruction

How to Add a Service to Marketplace

Solution Overview

The Service setup is made in the Settings view, under the menu Services.

1. Enter base information:

Name (Inhouse): The internal name for the service. Public name is entered in a later step.

Service type: Choose Service type for the Service.

Speed: Choose Speed for the service (shown if the service type requires speed).

From date: When the service will be available to order (if published).

To date: When the service should not be available to order (if published). Field is not required. Active orders will not be affected if to date is changed on an existing service.

Active number of days: Number of days that orders with this service will be active (short term services). Field is not required.

Alternative RPC email: E-mail to be used for information about orders with this service. If filled in, this is used instead of RPC email specified on the Service Provider.

Relevance: Shown if Allow sorting on relevance is set to yes on the Service Definition. Enter the relevance of the Service in integers. The higher value, the higher the service appears in the service list, in the Marketplace.

Service value ordinal: Shown if Service value feature is enabled. Value that controls whether it’s possible to order the Service or not in the Marketplace. Only possible to order services with higher value than existing service on the object. Services without value will always be orderable. Makes it possible to control so that only upgrades are possible, not downgrades.


2. Fill in Notices:

Contract period and Cancellation notice period: This will be visible in the Service description on the Marketplace (depending on how it is specified on the service definition). Given in months. The value entered is for information only and is handled outside of COS BE (i.e., the Service provider handles this with their own system). The system does not take in account any contract period or cancellation notice period. No warning message from COS BE will be shown/sent if the end customer cancels the service before an agreed time.


3. Fill in Prices and Set availability:

Here you enter the standard price that the customer will pay for the service. In the group section, it’s possible to enter group specific prices. If price is entered for a group, it will be used instead of the standard price. 

Here you enter which groups the service will be published to. The groups that are available for the service provider will be listed. Checkmark at least one of the groups and press OK. When a Group is added, it’s possible to set a specific cost that will be used instead of the standard price in that group.

4. Text and files

Here you administer Logotype, Name and Texts that will be visible on the Marketplace when the service is published. Short description could maximum be 500 characters. Full description has no limitation on characters.  Welcome text on signup is the text that will be shown after submitting an order (only shown for open access networks). The service has to be described in available languages in the Marketplace.


5. Agreements

The files that should be attached to the service are controlled by the Service type definition. Agreements have to be uploaded for available languages in the Marketplace.

6. Publish

When all mandatory fields are filled in, the boxes in the upper right corner will turn green. Press Save and Publish to make the Service visible on the Marketplace.


When a Service is created, it’s possible to change some Settings. Default value for the Settings is set on the Service Provider page with possibility to override for each service here.

Approve moved orders: Decides if an order shall be moved automatically (Yes) or if the Service provider has to first manually accept the move request (No).

Approve new orders: Decides if an order that is created from the Marketplace shall be activated automatically (Yes) or if the Service provider has to first manually approve it (No).

Service visible in portal: Decides if the service will be shown on the Marketplace or only available internally.