An Overview of the Customer Page

The Customers Page within the COS Business Engine is a vital component for managing customer relationships, orders, and interactions. This guide will give a high-level look at the information provided by the Customers page. Applies to: all users.


The Customers page serves as the central hub for Customer data and enables network operators and service providers to efficiently handle all aspects of customer engagement. This includes basic Customer data, such as personal details, contact information, and account history. Additionally, users can search for customer records using an in-depth search function.

Solution Overview


To navigate to the Customers page, type "customers" in the Business Engine Dashboard search bar, or select the Customers option under the Operations dropdown.


Selecting the Customers option will bring Business Engine users to the Search Customers menu. On this menu you will be able to find any of the Customer records in your Business Engine environment by using a variety of search parameters, including Customer contact information and the Customer type, such as business or residential class Customers. 

Once you have clicked on a Customer found in the search page, Business Engine users will be brought to the records page for that individual Customer. On this page users will find important information relating to Customers, including contact and billing information. 


The Customer page will also have additional information, including the Received Emails page, where Business Engine users will find a historical record of every email message sent to this particular customer, whether it relates to billing or any issues or outages the Customer may have dealt with in the past. 


On this page you will also find more in-depth information relating to any registered methods of payment the Customer has on file and any historical Orders or Tickets the Customer has had attached to their record at any time.

Lastly, the Customer page will also allow Business Engine users to manually generate a new password for a Customer or to send them a recovery email which will provide the Customer with the means to reset the password themselves. 

Step-by-Step Instructions

Please see the link provided below for additional information on how to manually create a new Customer record in COS Business Engine.