As an admin in Business Engine, you will have the ability to add new users for the roles of Service Provider or Partner. Applies to: Network Owners, Service Providers and Partner Admins.
Users operating as Network Owners will have full control over user management for any Service Provider or Partner using your Open Access Network. Service Provider and Partner Administrators also have access rights to add and modify users belonging to their own company.
Solution Overview
Begin by typing in "Users" in the search bar and then select the "Users" option under the Security Menu. On this screen you will be greeted with a list of current Users and you will be able to select the blue "+" icon to create a new user.
On the create new User screen you will be able to input relevant information such as the new Users' email, password and Profile. The User Profile will determine the type of User they are and at this point you will be able to add a Service Provider or a Partner User Type. Once all the required information has been entered, select the blue "Save" icon in the upper left corner to confirm the creation of the new user.
There is no automatic email sent to the new users, so do not forget to let them know the username and temporary password you created.
Step By Step Instructions
Demo: How to add a user